ESP Strategic Vision
The ESP Programme takes its vision from the National Social Protection Policy. The Policy provides the overarching framework outlining a clear vision and strategic objectives for social protection in the Ugandan context within the framework of the Vision 2040 and the National Development Plan. The ESP Programme draws on the Policy and its Programme Plan of Intervention as it is designed to contribute to Uganda’s vision for its national social protection system.
National Goal
Uganda’s national goal is to attain the middle-income status by 2020
National Social Protection Policy Goal
Reduce poverty and socio-economic inequalities for inclusive development by 2020
Expected Outcomes
- A sustainable, efficient and well co-ordinated social protection system institutionalized, financed and reaching beneficiaries
- Vulnerable citizens benefit from regular, predictable direct income support
The ESP II will contribute to Uganda’s social protection objectives by delivering expanded direct income support and institutionalizing a strong national social protection system, through the National Social Protection Policy development and implementation. A central component of ESP II is the roll out of the Senior Citizens Grant (SCG).
ESP II contributes to the broader objectives outlined in the National Social Protection Policy aimed at reducing poverty and socio-economic inequalities for inclusive development, which in turn will help build a population that is secure and resilient to socio-economic risks and shocks.
ESP II will support the following objectives, which are aligned to the Government of Uganda Social Protection Programme Plan of Intervention (PPI):
- Expand provision of direct income support, contributory social security and social care and support to vulnerable individuals and households;
- Strengthen the institutional framework for coordinated social protection service delivery in Uganda
- Enhance the enabling environment for the development and implementation of social protection policy
ESP II Outputs
ESP II will deliver the following outputs by June 2020:
Output 1: Government of Uganda capacity strengthened to lead, coordinate and implement the Social Protection Policy
Output 2: A sustainable national system for delivery of cash transfers operational and institutionalized within GOU
Output 3: Regular and reliable payments delivered to the Senior Citizens Grant beneficiaries on a national scale.
Output 4: Increased public understanding & demand for an accountable social protection system