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  • June 2010: Cabinet approves the implementation of the ESP Programme;  including the pilot Senior Citizens Grant
  • September 2010: The Expanding Social Protection Programme is officially launched by the Prime Minister, represented by then 2nd deputy Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Henry M. Kajura, in a colorful ceremony  at the Kampala Serena Hotel
  • September-October, 2011: First payments of the Senior Citizens Grant are officially launched in Kaberamaido, Kyenjojo and Kiboga. The historic first payment of the SCG is made in Bululu Sub County, Kaberamaido district.
  • October, 2011: The Vice President H.E Edward K. Ssekandi performs the official national launch of payments of the Senior Citizens Grant during the International Day of Older Persons in Kyenjojo district
  • March 2012:E Yoweri Museveni launches the SCG in Nebbi district during International Women’s Day
  • August 2015: Government through the then Minister of Gender, Labour & Social Development, Hon. Muruli Mukasa announces the phased National rollout plan for SCG in a press conference at the Media Centre in Kampala
  • 1st October 2015: Government officially launched the SCG national rollout plan during the national celebrations for the International Day of Older Persons in Bundibugyo
  • March 2016: Muruli Mukasa, then Minister of Gender, Labour & Social Development makes a statement on the progress of implementation of SAGE on the floor of Parliament, at the behest of the Speaker of Parliament
  • June 2016: Government of Uganda (Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development) and the Development Partners- UKaid/DFID and Irish Aid enter into a Memorandum of Understanding based on a rollout plan in which the Government committed to provide funds for SCG rollout.
  • June 2016: The SCG is officially launched in Kamuli District by the Speaker of Parliament
  • October 2016: E President Yoweri Museveni launches the SCG in Pader district during the International Day of Older Persons
  • July 2017: The last set of roll out districts receive the first SCG payment; giving the Programme a presence in 47 districts
  • November 2018: Government approves National roll out of the Senior Citizens Grant in to all the country’s 135 districts
  • September, 2019: Signing Memoranda of Understanding with the  74  new District  Local Governments (DLGs) previously not covered by the Programme